Zen Student Membership
The Path of Zen: A Journey of Transformation
For those called to the heart of Zen practice, we offer a rare opportunity: to train directly under the guidance of our esteemed Roshis, Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse and Roshi June Ryushin Tanoue. As fully empowered teacher in the White Plum Lineage, they open the doors to a training that has illuminates lives for centuries.
Embark on Your Zen Student Journey:
Personal Guidance: Engage in regular dokusan (private interviews). These intimate encounters are the lifeblood of Zen, a direct transmission of wisdom beyond words.
Ancestral Wisdom: Dive into the rich tapestry of Zen. Study koans–those paradoxical riddles that shatter ordinary thinking. Learn ancient sutras and participate in resonant Buddhist services, connecting you to a lineage of awakening.
Ethical Living: Through precept study, bring the clarity and compassion of zen into every action. Transform your daily life into a path of mindfulness and integrity.
Deep Retreats: Join sesshins (intensive meditation retreats) throughout the year. In the crucible of sustained practice, experience insights that can transform your understanding of self and world.
Community Leadership: As your practice deepens, step into leadership roles. Help guide our Sangham extending the benefits of your journey to others.
Flexible Commitment: Offer monthly dues as you are able. Your contribution at any level helps sustain our center and expresses your commitment to the path.
Zen Teachers with Decades of Experience,
Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse and Roshi June Ryusthin Tanoue
Fully Empowered Zen Priest, Rev. Diane Myogetsu Bejcek
Joining as a Zen Student isn’t just taking a class: it’s entering a stream of practice that has flowed through generations. It’s an invitation to deep, self-discovery, to finding peace amidst life’s turbulence, and to becoming a part of the solution in a world that so deeply needs the wisdom of Zen.
If you feel this call, let’s discuss your path forward. The journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step–or in our case, a single breath.
You may choose from three levels of Zen Student Membership:
Bodhisattva Zen Student: $158/month – Your generosity illuminates the path for all beings.
Peacekeeper Zen Student: $117/month – Your commitment nourishs the roots of our Zen sanctuary.
Pathfinder Zen Student: $95/month – Your offering clears the way for your own awakening
Resources: Glossaries and Teachings